To book Privluka Apart, you will first have consulted our "Availability Calendar" section to ensure that the apartment is free on the dates you wish. You can also call us on N° +32 472 960676 (Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) for confirmation and additional information.
Given that two other owners in the building also offer their apartments for rent, you can contact us to know their availability in case Privluka is no longer free or because you are traveling with friends and our apartment is not enough to welcome you all.
The apartment being free on your dates, send to the address: apartprivluka@gmail.com the reservation form duly completed and signed (downloadable in the "Contact" section).
We will process it urgently: you will first receive a confirmation email from us, then our rental contract completed by us on the basis of the information provided. You will return it to us as soon as possible signed and make the required payment (either a 50% deposit for reservations for more than 30 days, or the full amount of the stay for less than 30 days. The reservation is only effective after receipt of the signed contract and the sums due.
You will take care to carry your copy of the contract in your papers, during your stay in Croatia.